Annona Cherimola Mill

毛叶番荔枝 - 百度百科

毛叶番荔枝(Annona cherimolia Mill.)番荔枝科落叶 小乔木,高4-5米;枝条被短柔毛。. 叶薄纸质,卵圆形、少数为椭圆形,顶端钝或短渐尖,基部圆形,叶面被短柔毛,叶背被短绒毛。. 花单生或2-3朵与叶对生;总花梗被茸毛;外轮 花瓣 长圆状线形,外面绿黄色或 ...


Annona cherimolia Mill.

云南南部、广东海南岛栽培。 原产秘鲁安第斯山上;现南美各地也有栽培。 果可食用,为著名热带水果,含蛋白质1.83%,脂肪0.14%,糖类18.41%。 1979《中国植物志》第30 (2)卷 174页 PDF. 《中国植物志》全书80卷126册,5000多万字。 记载了我国301科3408属31142种 植物的科学名称、形态特征、生态环境、地理分布、经济用途和物候期等。 该书基于全国80余家科研


Annona cherimola Mill. Plants of the World Online Kew

Annona cherimola Mill. Plants of the World Online Kew Science. A comprehensive evolutionary tree of life for flowering plants. A global database of names used for herbal drugs, products and medicinal plants. Genome size (C-value) data for >12,000 plant and algal species.


Annona cherimola Mill. (Custard apple): a review on its plant

2017年7月31日  Annona cherimola Mill., commonly known as Custard apple has recently gained attention of researchers because of copious anticancer bioactive chemicals and nutrients. Plants of the Annonaceae family have a long history of medicinal use in the treatment of several disease conditions such as epilepsy, cardiac diseases, pathogenic infections ...


Annona cherimola Mill. - World Flora Online

General Information. Trees 3-7 m tall, deciduous. Branchlets tomentose, glabrescent. Axillary leaf buds ovoid, apex obtuse.


Annona cherimola Mill - Center for International Forestry

2015年3月20日  Annona cherimola is a fairly dense, fast-growing, evergreen tree, erect but low branched and somewhat shrubby or spreading; ranging from 5 to 9 m in height; and its young branchlets are rusty-hairy.


Annona cherimola (cherimoya) CABI Compendium - CABI

Cherimoya (Annona cherimola) originates from the highland plateaus of the Andes. The cherimoya is considered the best of the annonas and is cultivated in subtropical regions and in the tropical highlands. In most areas, it is grown as a backyard tree or as part of a subsistence farming system at appropriate elevations.


Annona cherimola Mill. (Custard apple): a review on its

2017年9月27日  Annona cherimola Mill., commonly known as Custard apple has recently gained attention of researchers be-cause of copious anticancer bioactive chemicals and nutrients.


Botanical, genetic, phytochemical and pharmaceutical aspects of Annona ...

2022年4月5日  Annona cherimola Mill, is a species belonging to section Atta (Fries, 1959). It is the only one of the section native of South America. This species is considered probably native of the territory between Ecuador and Peru. It seems that it was already cultivated in 1200 BCE during the Inca empire.


Annona cherimola Mill. (Custard apple): a review on its plant

2017年7月31日  Annona cherimola Mill., or the custard apple, is one of the species belonging to the Annonaceae family, is widely used in traditional medicine, and has been reported to be a valuable source of ...


毛叶番荔枝 - 百度百科

毛叶番荔枝(Annona cherimolia Mill.)番荔枝科落叶 小乔木,高4-5米;枝条被短柔毛。. 叶薄纸质,卵圆形、少数为椭圆形,顶端钝或短渐尖,基部圆形,叶面被短柔毛,叶背被短绒毛。. 花单生或2-3朵与叶对生;总花梗被茸毛;外轮 花瓣 长圆状线形,外面绿黄色或 ...


Annona cherimolia Mill.

云南南部、广东海南岛栽培。 原产秘鲁安第斯山上;现南美各地也有栽培。 果可食用,为著名热带水果,含蛋白质1.83%,脂肪0.14%,糖类18.41%。 1979《中国植物志》第30 (2)卷 174页 PDF. 《中国植物志》全书80卷126册,5000多万字。 记载了我国301科3408属31142种 植物的科学名称、形态特征、生态环境、地理分布、经济用途和物候期等。 该书基于全国80余家科研


Annona cherimola Mill. Plants of the World Online Kew

Annona cherimola Mill. Plants of the World Online Kew Science. A comprehensive evolutionary tree of life for flowering plants. A global database of names used for herbal drugs, products and medicinal plants. Genome size (C-value) data for >12,000 plant and algal species.


Annona cherimola Mill. (Custard apple): a review on its plant

2017年7月31日  Annona cherimola Mill., commonly known as Custard apple has recently gained attention of researchers because of copious anticancer bioactive chemicals and nutrients. Plants of the Annonaceae family have a long history of medicinal use in the treatment of several disease conditions such as epilepsy, cardiac diseases, pathogenic infections ...


Annona cherimola Mill. - World Flora Online

General Information. Trees 3-7 m tall, deciduous. Branchlets tomentose, glabrescent. Axillary leaf buds ovoid, apex obtuse.


Annona cherimola Mill - Center for International Forestry

2015年3月20日  Annona cherimola is a fairly dense, fast-growing, evergreen tree, erect but low branched and somewhat shrubby or spreading; ranging from 5 to 9 m in height; and its young branchlets are rusty-hairy.


Annona cherimola (cherimoya) CABI Compendium - CABI

Cherimoya (Annona cherimola) originates from the highland plateaus of the Andes. The cherimoya is considered the best of the annonas and is cultivated in subtropical regions and in the tropical highlands. In most areas, it is grown as a backyard tree or as part of a subsistence farming system at appropriate elevations.


Annona cherimola Mill. (Custard apple): a review on its

2017年9月27日  Annona cherimola Mill., commonly known as Custard apple has recently gained attention of researchers be-cause of copious anticancer bioactive chemicals and nutrients.


Botanical, genetic, phytochemical and pharmaceutical aspects of Annona ...

2022年4月5日  Annona cherimola Mill, is a species belonging to section Atta (Fries, 1959). It is the only one of the section native of South America. This species is considered probably native of the territory between Ecuador and Peru. It seems that it was already cultivated in 1200 BCE during the Inca empire.


Annona cherimola Mill. (Custard apple): a review on its plant

2017年7月31日  Annona cherimola Mill., or the custard apple, is one of the species belonging to the Annonaceae family, is widely used in traditional medicine, and has been reported to be a valuable source of ...


毛叶番荔枝 - 百度百科

毛叶番荔枝(Annona cherimolia Mill.)番荔枝科落叶 小乔木,高4-5米;枝条被短柔毛。. 叶薄纸质,卵圆形、少数为椭圆形,顶端钝或短渐尖,基部圆形,叶面被短柔毛,叶背被短绒毛。. 花单生或2-3朵与叶对生;总花梗被茸毛;外轮 花瓣 长圆状线形,外面绿黄色或 ...


Annona cherimolia Mill.

云南南部、广东海南岛栽培。 原产秘鲁安第斯山上;现南美各地也有栽培。 果可食用,为著名热带水果,含蛋白质1.83%,脂肪0.14%,糖类18.41%。 1979《中国植物志》第30 (2)卷 174页 PDF. 《中国植物志》全书80卷126册,5000多万字。 记载了我国301科3408属31142种 植物的科学名称、形态特征、生态环境、地理分布、经济用途和物候期等。 该书基于全国80余家科研


Annona cherimola Mill. Plants of the World Online Kew

Annona cherimola Mill. Plants of the World Online Kew Science. A comprehensive evolutionary tree of life for flowering plants. A global database of names used for herbal drugs, products and medicinal plants. Genome size (C-value) data for >12,000 plant and algal species.


Annona cherimola Mill. (Custard apple): a review on its plant

2017年7月31日  Annona cherimola Mill., commonly known as Custard apple has recently gained attention of researchers because of copious anticancer bioactive chemicals and nutrients. Plants of the Annonaceae family have a long history of medicinal use in the treatment of several disease conditions such as epilepsy, cardiac diseases, pathogenic infections ...


Annona cherimola Mill. - World Flora Online

General Information. Trees 3-7 m tall, deciduous. Branchlets tomentose, glabrescent. Axillary leaf buds ovoid, apex obtuse.


Annona cherimola Mill - Center for International Forestry

2015年3月20日  Annona cherimola is a fairly dense, fast-growing, evergreen tree, erect but low branched and somewhat shrubby or spreading; ranging from 5 to 9 m in height; and its young branchlets are rusty-hairy.


Annona cherimola (cherimoya) CABI Compendium - CABI

Cherimoya (Annona cherimola) originates from the highland plateaus of the Andes. The cherimoya is considered the best of the annonas and is cultivated in subtropical regions and in the tropical highlands. In most areas, it is grown as a backyard tree or as part of a subsistence farming system at appropriate elevations.


Annona cherimola Mill. (Custard apple): a review on its

2017年9月27日  Annona cherimola Mill., commonly known as Custard apple has recently gained attention of researchers be-cause of copious anticancer bioactive chemicals and nutrients.


Botanical, genetic, phytochemical and pharmaceutical aspects of Annona ...

2022年4月5日  Annona cherimola Mill, is a species belonging to section Atta (Fries, 1959). It is the only one of the section native of South America. This species is considered probably native of the territory between Ecuador and Peru. It seems that it was already cultivated in 1200 BCE during the Inca empire.


Annona cherimola Mill. (Custard apple): a review on its plant

2017年7月31日  Annona cherimola Mill., or the custard apple, is one of the species belonging to the Annonaceae family, is widely used in traditional medicine, and has been reported to be a valuable source of ...
