Mantimin Coal Mine - Global Energy Monitor
2024年9月19日 The Mantimin coal mine is a proposed project, operated by PT Mantimin Coal Mining, owned by Bangun Asia Persada and Hansur Jaya Tambang, with a capacity of 5
Mantimin Coal Mining PT - Company Profile and News
Company profile page for Mantimin Coal Mining PT including stock price, company news, executives, board members, and contact information.
Walhi Menangkan Gugatan di MA: Rencana Eksploitasi
2021年2月23日 Mahkamah Agung memenangkan Walhi atas gugatan kepada Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dan perusahaan batubara, PT Mantimin Coal Mining (MCM). Pada 4 Februari 2021, Mahkamah Agung
Borneo activists win a court battle to bar a coal miner from their land
2020年2月3日 Indigenous activists in Indonesian Borneo have scored a big win in a lawsuit against a coal mining firm that sought to operate on their land. After a two-year court battle,
Indonesian campaigners triumph against a coal mine in top court
2021年3月23日 Environmentalists in Indonesia’s South Kalimantan province have emerged victorious after a three-year legal battle against a company that planned to displace thousands
Borneo locals win a court battle to bar a coal miner
2020年1月30日 After a two-year court battle, Indonesia’s Supreme Court ruled in favor of a lawsuit that claims the permit for the mining firm, Indian-owned PT Mantimin Coal Mining (MCM) []
Mediating spirits, materialising futures: Dayak stories of life with ...
2024年5月24日 Today, Balangan – some 300 kilometres south-west of the planned capital of the new Indonesia – is home to a major coal mining project operated by PT Adaro Indonesia since
Borneo, indigenous and environmental activists celebrate: the
2020年2月4日 Hulu Sungai is the only one of the province’s nine districts that hasn’t been hit by the destruction brought by coal mines and palm oil plantations. In December 2017, however,
Indonesia: Supreme Court rules for indigenous activists against
Indigenous activists in Indonesian Borneo have scored a big win in a lawsuit against a coal mining firm that sought to operate on their land. ...Indonesia's Supreme Court ruled in favor of a
Supreme Court Revokes Mantimin Coal Mining Operation
2021年2月15日 The Supreme Court (MA) has accepted the Indonesian Forum for the Environment’s (Walhi) appeal against the Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ministry and
PT Mantimin Coal Mining (MCM) - Business Human Rights
PT Mantimin Coal Mining (MCM) Mining, Oil, gas coal Indonesia. From the Resource Centre ? This section is a non-exhaustive snapshot of company behaviour recorded by the Resource Centre. We record allegations of abuse, seek company responses, profile lawsuits ...
PT Mantimin Coal Mining
Berita PT Mantimin Coal Mining terbaru: Redaksi: Gedung Kompas Gramedia lantai 3 unit 2, Jalan Palmerah Selatan No. 20-28 Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 10270
Target 100 Kilometer, PT Mantimin Coal Mining
2024年7月11日 Berita Paser Terkini Target 100 Kilometer, PT Mantimin Coal Mining Perbaiki Jalan Rusak di Batu Kajang Paser Infrastruktur jalan yang diperbaiki oleh PT Mantimin Coal Mining (MCM) tersebut berada di Desa Batu
Angkutan Batu Bara PT Mantimin Coal Mining Mulus Lalui Jalan
2024年1月9日 TRIBUNKALTIM.CO, SAMARINDA - Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim) melalui organisasi perangkat daerah (OPD) terkait angkat bicara terkait aktivitas hauling PT Mantimin Coal Mining.. Dalam beroperasi, perusahaan asal Kalimantan Selatan itu melalui jalan umum menuju salah satu pelabuhan jetty di wilayah Kabupaten Paser.
Mediating spirits, materialising futures: Dayak stories of life with ...
2024年5月24日 When PT Mantimin Coal Mining began its exploration in Dayak customary territory, the company had to bring some items as offerings to ask permission and apologies from the Dayak gods who live around the mining area. For example, the day before I arrived in Liyu, the Dayak shaman held a ritual to exorcise the dead or spirits living on Mount Betjalin.
Bahas Hauling PT Mantimin Coal Mining Pakai Jalan Umum di
2024年1月10日 TRIBUNKALTIM.CO, SAMARINDA - Jajaran Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur akhirnya bertemu dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten Paser rapat membahas terkait polemik hauling jalan umum, Rabu (10/1/2024).. Hauling yang jelas dilakukan PT Mantimin Coal Mining dari Tabalong Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan melalui Kecamatan Muara Komam - Batu Sopang -
Borneo locals win a court battle to bar a coal miner from their land
2020年1月30日 After a two-year court battle, Indonesia’s Supreme Court ruled in favor of a lawsuit that claims the permit for the mining firm, Indian-owned PT Mantimin Coal Mining (MCM) [] Features Videos
In a land untouched by mines, indigenous holdouts fight a coal
2018年3月28日 In December 2017, despite the objections of local officials, the central government issued a mining permit to PT Mantimin Coal Mining (MCM), a nebulous coal company that has been trying and ...
PT. Asmin Koalindo Tuhup (AKT) LinkedIn
PT. Asmin Koalindo Tuhup (AKT) 9.781 pengikut di LinkedIn. PT ASMIN KOALINDO TUHUP (AKT) is a coal mining company with its concession located in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Our vision is to be the world’s best producer of premium coking coal. We invite the best and brightest professionals to bring their skills and expertise to our team, to grow together with us, to work in
Jalan Hauling PT MCM belum kantongi IPPKH
2024年4月2日 Jalan hauling PT Mantimin Coal Mining yang beroperasi di Kabupaten Tabalong, Kalimantan Selatan hingga kini belum mengantongi ijin pinjam pakai kawasan hutan (IPPKH) meski sudah melakukan aktifitas pengangkutan batu bara.